March 11, 2025

Stick It to The Man

A site of rebellion.

Amazon suppressing competition on their site. Who’da’thunk?

Now that Amazon has publicly stated that they are not going to use Prime for non-essential products, other companies that use the Amazon Markeplace and utilize other shipping options have an opportunity.

Only that Amazon, surprise, surprise, has hidden this fact from their customers.

Recode has detailed this scam in an article, and, as per a legit news source, asked Amazon for comment.  Amazon, of course, denied all responsibility, and claims it’s an accident.  “In this case, some of these changes have resulted in an error which, in some cases, resulted in an unintended variation in how we select which offers to feature. We are working to correct it as quickly as possible.”

They made a mistake that hurt their sellers and benefitted them. Of course it’s an accident.